


本厂位于举世闻名的中国小商品城,物流顺畅,客商云集.前身是义乌市蕾馨酒店用品商行,从1997年开始经营宾馆、酒店、客房有偿使用品,目前主要生产、加工、经营宾馆、酒店专卖的压缩毛巾、浴盐、泡泡浴、全效沐浴液、抗菌液、男女休闲内裤、袜子、国产、进口安全套、盒装男女神油、男女海狗胶囊、震动安全套、抗菌毛巾、防臭鞋垫、一次性纸内裤、环保可溶性马桶垫、口洁素、牙齿洁白笔、片装刮胡刀、带镜刮胡刀、盒装刮胡刀、带刀抗菌毛巾、带刀带膏抗菌毛巾、各种篮子、展示架等产品.现在全国各地10000多家宾馆、酒店正在火爆销售.我厂对外提供贴牌生产、加工.热忱欢迎新老客户来函来电洽谈业务.本厂本着共赢进步的理念,共创辉煌,并且愿与相关的公司、厂家联手合作,利用本厂在全国各地的销售网点,推广产品开拓市场,希有关厂家提供样品,报**低出厂价格. Our factory lies in the well known China Small Commodity City, which is flushed with cargo and business. Formly known as Yiwu Lei Xin Hotel Commodity Firm, we started to distribute the payable articles for hotels and guesthouses in 1997. Currently we manufacture and process compressed towel, bath salt, bubble bath, multi-function bathing shampoo, antibacterial liquid, leisure underpants for man & woman, sea dog capsule for man & woman, vibrative condom, antibacterial towel, anti-smell shoe mat, disposable paper underpants, environment-friendly & disposable closestool mat, mouth cleaner, tooth whitener, shaver with blades, shaver with mirror, shaver in pack, antibacterial towel with shaver, antibacterial towel with shaver & paste, baskets and display shelves for hotels and guesthouses. Now they are hotly sold in more than 10,000 hotels and guesthouses. We offer OEM service to our customers. We warmly welcome new and existing customers to visit us and discuss further coorperation. In spirit of mutual benefit and joint growth we'd like to creat brilliance with all other companies and manufacturers. Making use of our sales network all over the country we are looking forward to the samples and the best net quotations from others to promote our products in the market.

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