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2015/10/26 15:14:29来源:manbetx官网手机登陆
内容摘要:Expo had over 190 exhibitors & brands, over 4,300 trade visitors,博覽有逾190個參展商與品牌, 超過4,300名商業訪客參觀


Expo had over 190 exhibitors & brands, over 4,300 trade visitors
博覽有逾190個參展商與品牌, 超過4,300名商業訪客參觀
Having the only professional Industrial Seminar in Asia Pacific


of exhibitors through the fair helped to find business partners



of exhibitors thought the fair helped to promote their Brands



of exhibitors were satisfied with the quality of buyers



of exhibitors found AAE/ILA beneficial to their business 

參展商認為 AAE 為公司帶來正面效果 


of exhibitors rebooked or confirmed their participation in AAE 2016

參展商確定參展AAE 2016 

Expo had over 190 exhibitors & brands, over 4,300 trade visitors 

博覽有逾190個參展商與品牌, 超過4,300名商業訪客參觀 

Buyers from 45 countries and regions attended the trade expo, including: 

Australia ,Belgium, Brazil, Belarus, Barbados, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Guatemala, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Israel, , Netherland, New Zealand, Nigeria, Philippines, Romania, Senegal, South Korea, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, UK, USA, Venezuela, Vietnam.


澳洲、比利時、巴西、白俄羅斯、巴巴多斯、加拿大、智利、中國、哥倫比亞、埃及、芬蘭、 法國、德國、危地馬拉、香港、印度、印度尼西亞,以色列、荷蘭、新西蘭、尼日利亞、菲律賓、羅馬尼亞、塞內加爾、韓國、瑞典、台灣、泰國、土耳其、烏克蘭、阿聯酋、英國、美國、委內瑞拉、越南。 

Messages from AAE Exhibitors 參展商的話 

“It is the first time to bring the VeDO and OhhhBunny brands to AAE, which they are very young brands, and we would like to bring them to Asia. We have met many buyers from different countries during the show, and the show has been very busy for us, which is out of our expectation. We will be sure to come back next year” 

「這是第一次將我們的品牌VeDO和OhhhBunny帶來AAE,他們都是較新的品牌,我們希望把它們展示給亞洲市場。我們在展會期間遇到許多來自不同國家的買家, 對於我們來說,這是出乎我們的意料。我們明年一定會再參展。」 

Mr. Alida Ho, Head of Design, JM Sunflower Ltd. 

(Hong Kong 中國香港) 

“I think AAE is a good event, we are planning to come again, especially we have won two awards this year, we will keep it up and come again to meet more people and develop Asia. “


Ms. Audrey LABORIE, Sales (Asia), EXSENS 


“AAE is a very professional show, the overall quality of the show and buyers are very good and professional in comparing to other fairs that we have exhibited before. “


錢愛玲女士, Sales Director營銷總監, Shenzhen XISE Toys Company Ltd. 深圳市幸色玩具有限公司 


Messages from AAE Trade Visitors 商業訪客的話 

“The expo is great. There are a lot of manufacturers, new products, and things we haven’t seen before, that is very interesting. AAE is the perfect place to find products for our own brand and distribute in Australia.” 

「我們遇到很多以前沒有見過的廠商及新產品,這非常有趣的。 AAE為我們的品牌找到產品,並能分銷在澳洲。 」 

Mr. Dean Hammond, Twisted Angel 

(Australia 澳洲) 

“This is my first time visiting AAE; it does have a lot of variety of products that I am souring for my store. It does give an opportunity to see the different item from different companies.” 

「這是我第一次參觀AAE。AAE有很多不同種類的產品,亦令我有機會看到更多不同的產品及供應商。 」 

Ms. Cindy Balance, Absolute Pleasure Toys 

(USA 美國) 

“What I like the most about AAE is, this is the only B2B show, there is no public visitor, and I think it is good for business. “


Mr. Gabriel Noe, CEO, SAG 18 GROUP 

(Venezuela 委內瑞拉) 

Asia Adult Expo – Industry Seminar 專業講座 

The AAE Seminar has received speakers from various countries including in sharing good ideas, experiences and different market updates with all industry insiders. Topics include How Online Platform Succeeds in Booming India Market, Protect Your Designs at Legal Aspects, Market Updates: Ukraine Adult Market Overview, Massage, the new sensual approach, etc.

今屆展會有不同主題的專業講座, 來自世界各地的業內講者分享不同國家的成人市場資訊,以支援及增值成人行業的持續發展,如:印度成人市場分析、烏克蘭市場概況、成人產品與知識產權、法國品牌刺激您感官細胞等。 

The firstly launch AAE Awards Presentation aimed to higher the bar of products quality, design & professionalism of the industry, and it has received good responses from the market.

今年首創亞洲區的產品獎項 – AAE成人產業大獎,宗旨在於提高產品質量、設計和專業精神。AAE大獎自推出以來都收到不少的關注,匯聚國際品牌競逐9個成人產業獎項。 

Asia Adult Expo – AAE Awards 2015 AAE成人產業大獎 

Winning Corporates 獲獎企業: 

Couples Sex Toy of the Year 年度情侶產品大獎 - ODECO Ltd. 深圳市零距離電子有限公司 

Fascinating Package Design of the Year 年度包裝設計大獎 - EXSENS

Innovative Adult Toy of the Year – Technology 年度成人玩具創新大獎 – 技術類 – ML Creation Co., Ltd.

Luxury Toys Line of the Year 年度最佳豪華玩具系列 - ML Creation Co., Ltd. 

一攀眀 Pleasure Product Company of the Year 年度新產品大獎 – 歡情產品類 – EXSENS

伀DM Factory of the Year 年度代工設計廠家大獎 - ODECO Ltd. 深圳市零距離電子有限公司 

倀氀攀愀猀甀爀攀 Products Company of the Year 年度企業大獎 – 歡愉產品類 - California Exotic Novelties 

匀攀砀 Toy of the Year – For Him 年度成人產品大獎 - 男士產品 – GENMU

匀攀砀 Toy of the Year – For Him 年度成人產品大獎 - 男士產品 – K.M. Produce 







> 查看2015亚洲成人博览_香港更多信息



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