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誠邀您成為AAE 2020 的參展商!行業市場報告 洞悉市場增長潛力


“Global Sex Toys Market Insights, Forecast to 2025” report was published in June 2019. According to the report, the sex toys market would keep growing in the forthcoming years. Studied the sex toys market from different areas, including key regions, products, manufacturers and brands, the research discussed factors that supported the growth in demand for adult vibrators and the retail segment. With detailed market information of different countries in key regions and top industry players, the forecast of the sex toys market was made and reflected the direction of future development.   
「2019年 - 2025年全球情趣玩具市場分析和預測報告」已於2019年6月發表。報告根據情趣玩具市場的主要地區、產品、製造商和品牌作出調查,從不同層面了解市場現況,預計未來6 年情趣玩具市場將會持續增长。報告更提供不同國家和行內主要品牌的詳盡分析,討論情趣玩具市場發展的因素,例如成人震動棒需求上升和情趣玩具零售業增长。未來情趣玩具市場的預測,更有助反映發展動向。

ASIA ADULT EXPO WILL BE HELD IN 25 - 27 AUG 2020! 亞洲成人博覽將於2020年8 月25 - 27日舉行! 

Asia Adult Expo, a prominent and sole B2B trade show in Asia Pacific, strives to provide an excellent platform for professionals in adult industry to meet, interact and cooperate. In 2019, the Expo welcomed over 200 exhibitors and 4,200 trade visitors from 52 countries and regions such as China, Korea, Japan, Southeast Asia and USA etc. Asia Adult Expo will take place during 25th to 27th August 2020 at Hall 3FG, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. 
Pre-registration: Free (On-site Registration: HKD 200.00) 免費 現場登記 (港幣200元)

亞洲成人博覽 (AAE) 為亞太區內純貿易展覽,致力為成人業行內人士提供⼀個優質平台, 讓業界藉此機會见面、交流和合作。2019年,得 到超過200間參展商和品牌及超過4,200名商業訪客鼎力支持,參與人士來自52個國家和地區包括中國、韓國、日本、東南亞、美國等地。亞洲成人博覽將於2020年8月25 - 27日假香港會議展覽中心展覽廳 3FG舉行。

Tel: 852 2528 0062 
Fax: 852 2528 0072 
Email: info@asiaADULTexpo.com




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