首页 / 行业展会 / 中国生殖健康产业博览会 / 2014北京七博会

The Seventh China Reproductive Health Expo

Organizer:China Reproductive Health Industry Association (CRHIA)
With direct support of China Health and Family Planning Commission, China Contraceptive Supply Administration (CCSA)
Special guest supporters (to be invited):
World Health Organization 65322359
United Nations Population Fund
United Nations Children's Fund
The United Nations programme on HIV/AIDS
International planned parenthood federation
Marie Stopes International
The international union of reproductive health supplies
The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong 
China Family Planning Association (CFPA),
China Population and Development Research Center
Scientific research institute of China Health and Family Planning Commission
China Population and Development Research Center
China Population and Cultural Development Research Center
Chinese Hospital Association (CHA)
Chinese Foundation for Prevention of STD and AIDS
China Council for the Promotion of Economic and Trade
China Sexology Association
Joint contractors:Beijing Zhongcheng century Cultural Development Co., Ltd;

I. Background   
The China Reproductive Health Expo is a part of Chinese government’s efforts to achieve “universal access to reproductive health by 2015”, one of the eight United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in China. The Expo aims at enhancing the quality and availability and affordability of RH products to the people, thus further improving RH status in the country.
Since 2001, the Expo has been held successfully for 6 times, and has become the largest and highest level exhibition in China's RH/FP field. The Expo attracted many people including scientific researchers, manufacturers, clients, buyers and traders both at home and from aboard.  It has been proved to be a very useful platform for displaying new achievements and exchanging experience and information with regard to the RH new technologies and products. It helped the improvement of the quality as well as innovation of China’s RH technologies and products, and China’s RH industry as a whole. It also helped to expand and popularize RH/FP knowledge among the people and thus enhancing the RH status in the country and contributing to the social harmony, civilization and development in the country..
September 2014 marks the 20th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD).To commemorate this anniversary, a forum on "ICPD 20th Anniversary & Development of China's Reproductive Health Industry" will be held during the Expo in addition to a rich program of the Expo. The forum will provide an opportunity for people to review the achievements in the past 20 years and better plan for the future. The Forum will highlight the theme of "universal access to reproductive health" and discussions will be focused on how to further safeguard people’s basic RH interests and rights, how to ensure long-term balanced development of population and RH work. We hope that the Forum will bring additional significance to the Expo itself and make it a grand event in the field of reproductive health and family planning in China.
To sum up, the 7th RH Expo will generate more government support, create opportunity for the enterprises to play an active role during the Expo by themselves. New RH technologies and products will be introduced and expanded with the possible famous brands going to the market. It is our hope that through the regular holding of RH Expo the RH products market in China will be further regulated and consumers be correctly guided so that a better  environment for the further upgrading of China’s RH industry will be created and the people will be eventually further benefitted.
II  Date
 Dates: 26-30 September 2014
      Preparation time: 8:30-17:30 September 26, 2014
8:30-21:30 September 27, 2014
      Exhibition Dates: 9:00-17:00 September 28 - 30, 2014
Closing time: 15:30-21:30 pm.  September 30, 2014
III. Venue
Beijing. National Convention Center
China National Convention Center
China National Convention Center (CNCC) has opened officially in October 2009 for its originally intended function – .providing international standard, purpose-built convention and exhibition facilities.
IV. Scale & Scope
Exposition area will reach 16,500 square meters, is 1.5 times of the previous exposition; 600 standard booths, 500 domestic booths and 100 international booths.
500 domestic booths Show in reproductive health industry corporate image, commodities, trade and economic co-operation and with the achievements, and promote reproductive health products trade negotiations and sales.
(A) Family planning contraceptives galleries, medicine, sets, rings, and other manufacturers (100 Booth)
(2) Medical equipment, inspection and testing equipment exhibition (100 Booth)
(3) Prenatal and postnatal care products, health food and healthy pregnancy baby supplies, adolescent reproductive health supplies (50 booths)
(4) Adult products, Sex products, sex aids, lubricants, disinfection products, fun costumes (100 Booth)
(5) Menopause and old age nutritional supplements, health supplies, rehabilitation equipment (50 booths)
(6) Reproductive health care institutions, infertility, male, female specialist hospitals, family planning and reproductive health services, image exhibition (50 booths)
(7) China Reproductive Health Industry Association Base (30 booths)
(8) Related Cooperation: publicity, investment and resource exchange sites, newspapers, marketing, community organizations (20 booths)
100 international booths.

V. Main activities:
(1). Press conference
In April 2014, after the Expo procedures and organizations completed, hold press conference for the first time
In September 2014, after the Expo enterprise-establishing and preparation completed, hold the second press conference.
(2). Expo opening ceremony
Time: 9:00 am on 28 September  2014-9:30
Location: National Conference Center Hall
(3). Forum on ICPD 20th anniversary & Development of China's Reproductive Health Industry
Time: 9:30-11:00 am. 28 September 2014
Location:national conference center hall
(4). National sex products standardization Seminar
(5). Organize “Purchasing meeting of R&H products”
(6). Hold awards to r the selected  member units and enterprises
(7). Hold “new R&H products and technology promotion council” during the Expo
(8). Sex and R&H science popularization activity:
--Public welfare advocacyon HIV/AIDS
--The youth health education lecture
--China sex science lecture
--The ancient China sex culture exhibition
--Seminar of ancient China sex culture
--Sex and R&H science exhibition
--Sex and R&H art Exhibition and sale
(9). Hold “China R&H Popular Science knowledge contest” before the Expo& during the Expo

VI. Cost
1. Booth Price









Overseas enterprise Booth



Luxury booth, include: one exhibition lintel ,one rectangular desk, two chairs, one 220V socket, two lamps, rug,

advertising map; The booth is 3 meters high.



2. Discount
a. Enterprises participate in the Expo twice or more times will discount of 5%.
b. Enterprises apply before July 1st will discount of 5%.



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